The graph now shows the expected correct values. You should change the Min interval to 5m
to match the CQ, and to visualise that the data covers a 5 minute period.
More CQ examples
Number of Management API requests that ended if error code (>= 400):
CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY mgmt_api_request_errors_5min_for_1month ON oneportal BEGIN SELECT count(auth_header_exists) AS count_requests INTO oneportal.one_month.mgmt_api_request_errors FROM oneportal.one_day.mgmt_api_request WHERE response_code >= 400 GROUP BY time(5m), api_client_id, oauth2_client_id, path END
Number of Management API requests that ended in successful code (200 to 399):
CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY mgmt_api_request_successes_5min_for_1month ON oneportal BEGIN SELECT count(auth_header_exists) AS count_requests INTO oneportal.one_month.mgmt_api_request_successes FROM oneportal.one_day.mgmt_api_request WHERE response_code >= 200 AND response_code < 400 GROUP BY time(5m), api_client_id, oauth2_client_id, path END