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The ID Service stores metrics data to an InfluxDB service with a default retention policy of 24 hours. This may not be long enough time for your use cases. This document will show with examples how to store metrics data for a longer period of time, and how to configure Grafana to display it.

Table of Contents

The theory

To store measurements for a longer time, it must be stored with a Retention Policy of desired length. It doesn’t make sense to store ALL data for the specified time: When Grafana shows values from a month in a graph, it physically cannot display data at 50 millisecond accuracy. Having a lot of data at very short intervals takes a lot of processing, bandwidth and disk space. So you must think about downsampling the data as well.


Let’s create a CQ that collects everything usable from default mgmt_api_request data. We can find the tag and field names with commands like SELECT * FROM mgmt_api_request LIMIT 1.



























































We could have created a CQ that collects only the number of requests and groups them by path, but in anticipation of other needs, we collect more data and more tags.


  • In FROM use the one_month RP and the mgmt_api_requests name,

  • change the SELECT parameters to use field count_requests and the function to sum() since we now need to add the counts up.


The equivalent query is: SELECT sum("count_requests") FROM "one_month"."mgmt_api_requests" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "path" fill(0).

The graph now shows the expected correct values. You should change the Min interval to 5m to match the CQ, and to visualise that the data covers a 5 minute period.


More CQ examples

Number of Management API requests that ended if error code (>= 400):

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY mgmt_api_request_errors_5min_for_1month ON oneportal BEGIN SELECT count(auth_header_exists) AS count_requests INTO oneportal.one_month.mgmt_api_request_errors FROM oneportal.one_day.mgmt_api_request WHERE response_code >= 400 GROUP BY time(5m), api_client_id, oauth2_client_id, path END

Number of Management API requests that ended in successful code (200 to 399):

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY mgmt_api_request_successes_5min_for_1month ON oneportal BEGIN SELECT count(auth_header_exists) AS count_requests INTO oneportal.one_month.mgmt_api_request_successes FROM oneportal.one_day.mgmt_api_request WHERE response_code >= 200 AND response_code < 400 GROUP BY time(5m), api_client_id, oauth2_client_id, path END

Number of OpenID API requests, similar to number of Management API requests in the above example:

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "openid_api_requests_5min_for_1month" ON "oneportal" BEGIN SELECT count(auth_header_exists) AS "count_requests" INTO "one_month"."openid_api_requests" FROM "openid_api_request" GROUP BY time(5m), "path", "method" END

Number of log entries:

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "log_entries_5min_for_1month" ON "oneportal" BEGIN SELECT count("event_id") AS "count_entries" INTO "one_month"."log_entries" FROM "log_entry" GROUP BY time(5m), "source" END