Major user search functionality improvement. This helps especially large installations with millions of users.
Breaking changes
Web themes
Login layout has new error labels for username and password fields. They need to be added to any web themes that customise this view:
// Add these after username and password fields <vaadin-label style-name="failure" plain-text _id="usernameErrorLabel" /> <vaadin-label style-name="failure" plain-text _id="passwordErrorLabel" />
Technical notes
MongoDB text search index usage for user search was replaced with heuristic approach to search by interpreting the search input and building multi-key search query based on it. This can leverage MongoDB index intersection functionality for improved speed.
Group membership indexing was improved. This will cause some indexes to be rebuilt.
New features
[JIRA-1] Short description of new feature. If necessary, link to additional documentation (only if truly useful, don’t overwhelm the reader) or describe how the reader can get started using it.
[JIRA-2, JIRA-3] Include a reference to the related Jira issue(s) so that you and others can quickly find out what you are writing about, in case you are not making much sense.
[JIRA-4] Short description of improvement. These are likely just one-liners.
Bug fixes
[JIRA-5] Short description of original issue. If fix requires post-install user actions, describe here.