SMS Service (java)

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SMS Service (java)

List of all options:

  • Get list of all supported regions

  • Send SMS message

  • Send SMS message to a user

Initialize service

TrivoreID sdk = TrivoreID.mgmtApiClient(); SMSServiceImpl smsService = new SMSServiceImpl(sdk.smsService());

Get list of all supported regions

List<Region> regions = smsService.getSupportedRegions();

Send SMS message

SMSMessage message = new SMSMessage(); message.setTo("+3584012345678"); message.setText("Example text body."); smsService.send(message);

Send SMS message to a user

SMSMessage message = new SMSMessage(); message.setText("Example text body."); message.setMessageClass(1); smsService.sendToUser(message, "userId");

Send SMS message to all group members

Sending SMS message to all primary (first) mobile numbers of users that belong to the defined groups.

SMSMessage message = new SMSMessage(); message.setText("Example text body."); message.setMessageClass(1); // This will send SMS message to all members of the groups (can be group IDs or names). // If the group was not found within defined namespace, then the warning message will be logged. // The maximum number of groups is 20 due to the limited length of the URL. smsService.sendToGroupMembers(message, "nsCode", "group001", "group002", "group003");

SMS Service Models



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