Filter (java)

For more information see Filtering.

Helper to generate filter parameter. Used to query service models.

// this will generate filter with value attribute co "value"
Filter filter = Filter.contains("attribute", "value");

// this will generate filter with value (nsCode eq "example") and (customFields co "example")
Filter filter = Filter.and(Filter.equal("nsCode", "example"), 
   						   Filter.contains("customFields", "example"));

// // this will generate filter with value (attribute le "value") or (attribute ew "value")
Filter filter = Filter.or(Filter.le("attribute", "value"),
  						  Filter.endsWith("attribute", "value"));

DateTime filtering

Filter expressions where the value is a string and can be parsed as an ISO Instant string, are used as DateTime filters. For example:

DateTime filter example
Filter filter ="createdDate", "2017-10-20T07:17:17.606Z");
Filter filter ="lastModifiedDate", "2019-05-31T23:59:59.999Z");

Group membership

Filter expressions for the user's list of groups.

// filter out users that don't belong to any group
Filter filter = Filter.present("memberOf");

// filter users that belong to the group with id 'groupId'.
Filter filter = Filter.contains("memberOf", "groupId");