Translating content

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Translating content

System local translations

Custom translations are managed via the Main Menu item, Translations, and are available for Portal Admin users. Translations made here will be system wide, meaning that custom translations made here will seen within all namespaces. As such it is important to make sure any translations made here are accurate and people given the permission to make custom translations are trustworthy individuals. All messages found within the Trivore Identity Service Management UI can be found here. It is currently possible to create custom translations for English, Finnish and Swedish.

The code for each translation are structured, so that they are easily grouped and that it will be easy to filter through all the codes. The codes are currently structured as

{main section}.{sub-section}.{component}.{subcomponent}

Each part is separated with a (.) period. There is the possibility that the code can contain zero or multiple sub-sections or subcomponents. Depending on the way they are accesses Main sections might oes not mean a whole menu item, but instead each visible section is its own main section. For example if a button opens up a pop-up window it will be considered as a new main section.

All changes made in this editor will automatically be saved. A small pop-up will appear on the bottom right corner of the screen every time the system saves the changes.

If there are many custom translations, it might be difficult to see the custom translations. It is possible to see a list of all the custom messages from the top right corner, by pressing the List custom messages button.

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