Management API mechanism

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Management API mechanism

Using Management API mechanism for SSO is extremely simple. Just use your API credentials and sso-token received from the browser to perform a simple HTTP POST request to the Trivore Identity Service server and you will be receive all user details as JSON response. The URL for consuming the sso-token is https://<tis-hostname>/api/rest/v1/sso/token/<sso-token>. The response from this REST endpoint is identical to retrieving user information via the normal user endpoint located at https://<tis-hostname>/api/rest/v1/user/<userId>.

Example request for consuming sso-token
curl -i -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' --user '<clientId>:<clientSecret>' https://<tis-hostname>/api/rest/v1/sso/token/<sso-token>

Example response from SSO token endpoint

{ "email":"john.smith@example.com", "emailVerified":false, "id":"58cfb7353874e103fc81ec5f", "locale":"en_GB", "locked":false, "meta":{ "created":"2017-03-20T11:04:21.534Z", "lastModified":"2018-09-21T06:29:05.708Z", "location":"https://<tis-hostname>/api/rest/v1/sso/token/<sso-token>" }, "mfaMethod":"NONE", "mobile":"+358401234567", "mobileVerified":true, "name":{ "familyName":"Smith", "givenName":"John" }, "nsCode":"test", "orgCode":"test", "preferredLanguage":"en_GB", "username":"john.smith" }

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