User agreements

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User agreements

User agreements are the new hip way to define Terms and conditions, Privacy policy, and other agreements. They can be customised for each namespace.

For the end user

The end users will run into user agreements either during user registration, or during sign in.

While registering a new account, they will be asked to accept any active agreements which apply to the namespace their account will be in.

While signing in, they are required to accept any new agreements they have not agreed to yet.

The user is offered a link to the agreement content, and a checkbox to select if they accept the agreement. Failure to accept a required agreement will prevent them from continuing the user registration or sign in process.

Administration of agreements

User agreements can be created, updated and removed from the User Agreements view in the Management portal.

You will need the following permissions:

  • “View user agreements” to access the view

  • “Create user agreements” to create new agreements

  • “Modify user agreements” to update existing agreements

  • “Remove user agreements” to delete existing agreements

  • “Modify all namespaces” to make an agreement apply to users in all namespaces.

User agreement content can be at an external source (another web page) or it can be written directly. The agreement can also not have any readable content, which can be useful in some cases.

User agreements can apply to users in selected namespaces, or to all namespaces.

User agreements can be made mandatory (required) or voluntary. Voluntary agreements are offered to the user during user registration, but during sign-in only if the user also has mandatory agreements they have not accepted.

Agreements can be tied to user consents, so that the user will not be offered to accept an agreement if they already have a specific set of granted consents - and if they do not have granted the consents, they will grant them as they accept the agreement.

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