4.9 Release notes

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4.9 Release notes

Initial release

Released 2022-03-28.


ONEP-2610 Fixed issue when deleting objects with identical IDs

ONEP-2595 Added support for address type POSTAL

ONEP-2561 Fixes to User account purge delay fields


ONEP-2615 Use MUTP ‘kotikunta’ field to update User’s domicile classes when a protection order is active

ONEP-2613 Update Vaadin version

ONEP-2607 Copy municipality name from DVV MUTP addresses to User’s LegalInfo addresses

ONEP-2592 Improvements to DVV MUTP system

ONEP-2572 Use authorisation type value as is from suomi.fi-valtuudet

ONEP-2570 Add option to lock inactive user accounts instead of deleting them

New Feature

ONEP-2633 Show user's domicile classes in User Editor

ONEP-2603 Collect metrics about number of Users per Namespace


Released 2022-04-01.


ONEP-2645 Update Spring libraries


Released 2022-04-20

New Feature

ONEP-2673 Updating user's consent information launches Webhook event USER_CONSENT_UPDATED


Released 2022-04-27


ONEP-2684 Fix issues with DVV Perustietohaku result applying (domicile class and other fields)



ONEP-2695 DVV Address data not saved with Perustietohaku correctly

NOTE: Trivore ID Documentation has moved to https://trivoreid.com

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