4.15 Release notes

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4.15 Release notes

Initial release

Released 2022-08-26.


ONEP-2794 Fixed: possible to select empty value in Multi Factor Authentication method selector

ONEP-2781 Fixed: DVV immigration source country information incorrectly stored as destination country

ONEP-2776 Fixed: OIDC custom sign-in caption didn’t replace placeholders correctly

ONEP-2775 Fixed: Opening AccessTokenRevokeWindow fails with NPE


ONEP-2800 Country code for Finland is now added after DVV MUTP changes related to domestic addresses

ONEP-2798 Changes to user identifier history window and label in user editor

ONEP-2796 Changes to Management API usage metrics collection

ONEP-2791, ONEP-2779 Dependency library updates

ONEP-2783 Add custom field support to user directory attribute mapping

ONEP-2780 Support upcoming Finnish personal ID century sign characters

ONEP-2768 Improve docker packaging

ONEP-2755 Accounts View: Changes to selection options

ONEP-2746 Connect generated Access Tokens to used browser/useragent

ONEP-2744 Changes to UI views showing personal identification code

New Feature

ONEP-2793 Collection of metrics about DVV MUTP actions

ONEP-2787 Add OIDC Claim for reading User custom fields

ONEP-2786 Custom field support for User Groups

ONEP-2778 Perform DVV data lookup after suomi.fi identification

ONEP-2777 Get allowed MFA methods from MFA API endpoint

ONEP-2758 OIDC Client customisation for Post-Signin and Post-Signout redirect pages

Customer specific

ONEP-2770 New client specific end point to search travel accounts

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