Contract Service (java)

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Contract Service (java)

List of all options:

  • Contracts management

  • Contract's Parties management

  • Party's Signers management

  • Party's Contacts management

  • Appendix management

  • Contract body's file management

  • Appendix file management

Contract Status

  • DRAFT - new contract has been created.

  • SIGNABLE - contract has been finalized. NB! Even if the allowed action modifyFinalised is True, after contract is finalized user can modify only notes.

  • SIGNED - every signer has signed.

  • EXPIRED - contract passes expiration dates.

  • TERMINATED - contract termination conditions are passed

  • ARCHIVED - expired or terminated contract will eventually be archived

Contract Actions

  • Finalize - to finalize contract following conditions should be fulfilled:

    • current user must have read access to contract

    • current user must be owner of contract

    • contract's state must be DRAFT

    • contract must have an owner

    • contract must have at least one party

    • each party must have at least one signer

  • Sign

  • Terminate

Initialize service

TrivoreID sdk = TrivoreID.openIdClient(); ContractServiceImpl contractService = new ContractServiceImpl(sdk.contractService());

Contracts management

// Get list of all contracts Page<Contract> page = contractService.getAll(); // Apply filter Filter filter = Filter.equal("id", contractId); page = contractService.getAll(new Criteria(filter)); // Add new Contract Contract contract = new Contract(); contract.setValidFrom("2018-04-26T08:38:02.730Z"); contract.setValidTo("2022-04-26T08:38:02.730Z"); contract.setCode("exampleCode"); contract.getFinancialTerms().setBillingTerms("Example Billing Terms"); // This method returns new contract object with the generated ID contract = contractService.create(contract); String contractId = contract.getId(); // Get one and Update contract = api.contract_service.get(contractId) contract.setScope("modified scope"); contract.setTitle("Modified Title"); contractService.update(contract); // Get all allowed actions, finalise, sign and terminate the contract // returns dictionary with all actions AllowedActions actions = contractService.getAllowedActions(contractId); contractService.finalise(contractId); contractService.sign(contractId); contractService.terminate(contractId, "Example reason."); // Delete contractService.delete(contract);

Contract's Party management

// Get list of all contract's parties. // Instead of Page returns list of parties. No pagination or filter can be applied. List<Party> parties = contractService.getAllParties(contractId); // Add new Party Party party = new Party(); party.setName("Example Name"); party.setAddress("Example Address"); // This method returns new party object with the generated ID party = contractService.createParty(contractId, party); String partyId = party.getId(); // Get one, Update and Delete party.setMobile("+358401234567"); party.setEmail("example@example.com"); contractService.updateParty(contractId, party); party = contractService.getParty(contractId, partyId); contractService.deleteParty(contractId, partyId);

Party's Signer management

// Get list of all contract's signers. // Instead of Page returns list of signers. No pagination or filter can be applied. List<Signer> signers = contractService.getAllPartySigners(contractId, partyId); // Add new Signer Signer signer = new Signer(); signer.setName("Example Name"); signer.setAddress("Example Address"); // This method returns new signer object with the generated ID signer = contractService.createPartySigner(contractId, partyId, signer); String signerId = signer.getId(); // Get one, Update and Delete signer.setMobile("+358401234567"); signer.setEmail("example@example.com"); contractService.updatePartySigner(contractId, partyId, signer); signer = contractService.getPartySigner(contractId, partyId, signerId); contractService.deletePartySigner(contractId, partyId, signerId);

Party's Contact management

// Get list of all contract's contacts. // Instead of Page returns list of contacts. No pagination or filter can be applied. List<Contact> contacts = contractService.getAllPartyContacts(contractId, partyId); // Add new Contact Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setName("Example Name"); contact.setAddress("Example Address"); // This method returns new contact object with the generated ID contact = contractService.createPartyContact(contractId, partyId, contact); String contactId = contact.getId(); // Get one, Update and Delete contact.setMobile("+358401234567"); contact.setEmail("example@example.com"); contractService.updatePartyContact(contractId, partyId, contact); contact = contractService.getPartyContact(contractId, partyId, contactId); contractService.deletePartyContact(contractId, partyId, contactId);

Contract's Appendix management

// Get list of all contract's appendices. // Instead of Page returns list of appendices. No pagination or filter can be applied. List<Appendix> appendices = contractService.getAllAppendices(contractId); // Add new Appendix Appendix appendix = new Appendix(); appendix.setText("Example text."); appendix.setTitle("Example Title"); // This method returns new appendix object with the generated ID appendix = contractService.createAppendix(contractId, appendix); appendixId = appendix.getId(); // Get one and Update appendix.setText("Modified appendix text."); contractService.updateAppendix(contractId, appendix); appendix = contractService.getAppendix(contractId, appendixId); // Change appendix order contractService.changeAppendixOrder(contractId, iDsList); // Delete contractService.deleteAppendix(contractId, appendixId);

Contract Service Models









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