User Service (java)

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User Service (java)

Wrapper for the '/user' API. Contains most of the user operations except profile functions, as profile service is disabled when Management API is used.

NB! If user is assigned to a group name (memberOf) that doesn't exist, then the new group will be created.

List of all options:

  • Get all users

  • Get one/create/modify/delete user

  • Verify email/phone with code or link (primary ones)

  • Get/update/delete custom user fields (dictionary with any keys/values)

  • Get/update user enterprise

  • Get password requirements (min and max password length)

  • Get user's legal info

  • Migrate user to other namespace

  • Change password

  • Get/update custom permission

  • Get/update builtin and custom roles

  • Get/report strong identification

  • Get/update student info

Initialize service

TrivoreID sdk = TrivoreID.mgmtApiClient(); UserServiceImpl userService = new UserServiceImpl(sdk.userService());

User management

// find first 5 users, whose first name is John Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.setFilter(Filter.equal("name.firstName", "John")); criteria.setCount(5); criteria.setStartIndex(0); Page<User> page = userService.getAll(criteria); // create new user Mobile mobile = new Mobile("+3584012345678"); mobile.setTags(Arrays.asList("tag1", "tag2")); Email email1 = new Email("example@example.com"); email1.setTags(Arrays.asList("tag3", "tag4")); Email email2 = new Email("example2@example.com"); email2.getTags().add("tag5"); Address address = new Address(); address.setCountry("Country"); address.setLocality("FI"); address.setPostalCode("12345"); address.setRegion("Region"); address.setStreetAddress("Street Address"); Name name = new Name(); name.setFamilyName("Smith"); name.setMiddleName("Jr."); name.setGivenName("John"); Consents consents = new Consents(); consents.setLocationing(true); consents.setMarketingEmail(true); User user = new User(); user.setNsCode("example"); user.setEmails(new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(email1, email2))); user.getMobiles().add(mobile); user.getAddresses().add(address); user.setName(name); user.setUserAccountType(AccountType.PERSON); user.setConsents(consents); // memberOf should contain group ID. They will be checked, and if group ID doesn't exist, then // this value will be replaced for it's id. If group name doesn't exist, then it will be created. user.setMemberOf(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("group1", "group2"))); user = userService.create(user); // this will return new user with the generated ID // get user by ID User newUser = userService.get(user.getId()); // modify user newUser.getMobiles().add(new Mobile("+3584012345689")); userService.update(newUser); // delete user userService.delete(newUser.getId());

Email / Mobile verification

String userId = user.getId(); String returnUrl = "<return-link>"; int expirationDays = 5; // send email verification link userService.sendEmailVerification(userId); // with the return URL and expiration days userService.sendEmailVerification(userId, returnUrl, expirationDays); // Send phone number verification link userService.sendPhoneNumberVerificationLink(userId); // with the return URL and expiration days userService.sendPhoneNumberVerificationLink(userId, returnUrl, expirationDays); // send phone number verification code userService.sendPhoneNumberVerification(userId); // after the code was received, the phone number can be verified with String code = "<received-code>"; userService.checkPhoneNumberVerificationCode(userId, code);

Custom user fields

CustomFieldsClass fields = userService.getCustomFields(userId, CustomFieldsClass.class); fields.setField("example value"); // updating userService.updateCustomFields(userId, fields); // clearing user's custom fields userService.deleteCustomFields(userId);


// get and update the enterprice Enterprise enterprise = userService.getEnterprise(userId); enterprise.setBusinessId("businessId"); enterprise.setTradeName("Trade Name"); userService.saveEnterprise(userId, enterprise);

Password requirements

// this will return password requiremens for the namespace that user belongs to. PasswordComplexity requirements = userService.getPasswordComplexity(userId);

Migrate namespace

// migrate user to another namespace UserNamespaceMigrationOptions options = new UserNamespaceMigrationOptions(); options.setTargetNsCode("exampleNsCode"); options.setKeepEmails(false); // this will create groups in the target namespace if they do not exist options.setKeepGroups(true); userService.migrateNamespace(userId, options);

Legal info

// Get the legal info of the user (legal info cannot be modified) LegalInfo info = userService.getLegalInfo(userId);

Student state

// Get and update the user's student state info StudentStateInfo info = userService.getStudentInfo(userId); userService.updateStudentInfo(userId, info);

User Service Models














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