Access Control Service (java)

For more information see Entity Access Control.

Initialize service

TrivoreID sdk = TrivoreID.mgmtApiClient();
AccessControlServiceImpl accessControlService = new AccessControlServiceImpl(sdk.accessControlService());

Getting access control objects

// get page with the first 5 access controls with the 'userId' in userIdWrite list
Criteria criteria2 = new Criteria(Filter.contains("userIdWrite", "userId"));
String sortBy = "attribute";
boolean ascending = true;
Page<AccessControl> page = accessControlService.getAll(criteria, sortBy, ascending);

Managing access control objects

// create new access control
// the function returns access control object with the generated id
AccessControl accessControl = accessControlService.create(new AccessControl());
String accessControlId = accessControl.getId();
// update access control
accessControl.setTitle("Example title");
// get access control
accessControl = accessControlService.get(accessControlId);
// delete access control

Access Control Models
