Platform - Branding

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Platform - Branding

Various visual aspects of the

This menu is found from System Preferences → Branding


The software tab allows for the editing of the software brand such as the software name, brand and vendor as well as allowing uploading of a custom software logo. The max file size for the logo is 2MB.


Web Styling

The Web Styling tab manages the customisation of non-management pages on the server.

Style can be used to select alternative translations and the injection of custom CSS. Although the injection of CSS is still possible with the Style function it is recommended to use the Web theme function found right under the Style function. The creation, editing and deletion of Web themes can be done through the menu item Web Themes found right above the System Preferences menu item. For more information on Web themes see the following document <https://redirect.trivore.com/TIS-WebThemes>


The licensee branding tab is much like the software branding tab as it allows the editing of Licensee information for the platform.

Licensee website can be shown on the login screen and it will usually appear on the bottom right corner of the dialogue box.

The max file size for the licensee logo is 2MB


The Logos tab allows for the upload of custom icons for various logos for the Trivore Identity System platform. Maximum file size 2MB, but they will be scaled to the correct size after uploading. To make this process easier please follow the recommended sizes on the table below


Width x Height

Recommended Max File size

Accepted file types


Width x Height

Recommended Max File size

Accepted file types

Top-bar logo

150x30 pixels




16x16 - 64x64 pixels



Management UI Sign-in logo

400x80 pixels


PNG, Recommended

JPEG GIF, accepted

OpenID Connect Sign-in logo

400x80 pixels


PNG, Recommended

JPEG GIF, accepted

General logo



PNG, Recommended

JPEG GIF, accepted

Conformity logo




T&C and PP

The management of Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy can be done here.

The T&C and PP can be disabled on a system wide scale from here. T&C and PP can be also managed on a namespace level if the corresponding setting is enabled here.

Editing and adding of different languages of T&C and PP is also possible.

Unique ID


Message templates

Message templates allows the allows for the customisation of the default message template for both Email and SMS. Localisations can also be added here. Editing the message template will show more information about the formatting of the content.

Redirecting pages


Redirecting pages tab allows for the customisation of CSS of the redirect pages. The page will show the default CSS by default. If the default CSS is changed the label under the textbox will change to Customised CSS. There is an option to revert to the default CSS and to also view the HTML template for the redirect page.


Related content

NOTE: Trivore ID Documentation has moved to https://trivoreid.com

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