Profile Service (python)
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Profile Service (python)
Wrapper for the '/user/{userId}/profile' API. Cannot be used with the Management API. (OIDC Client only)
List of all options:
Get profile fields
Update profile fields
Profile management
from trivoreid.models.profile import Profile
from trivoreid.models.email import EmailAddress
from trivoreid.models.user import (Names, Mobile, Address)
profile = api.profile_service.get()
print('\nProfile fields : {} \n'.format(profile.serialize()))
profile.name.givenName = 'First Name'
profile.name.middleName = 'Middle Name'
profile.name.familyName = 'Last Name'
profile.addresses[0].country = 'FI'
profile.addresses.append(Address({'addressName' : 'address',
'name' : 'home',
'country' : 'Finland',
'locality' : 'fi',
'postalCode' : '20750',
'region' : 'Region',
'streetAddress' : 'Street Address 5C'
profile.emails[0].name = 'home'
profile.emails.append(EmailAddress({'address' : 'example2@trivore.com',
'name' : 'work'}))
mobile = Mobile()
mobile.number = '+358401234568'
mobile.name = 'work'
profile2 = api.profile_service.get()
print('\nProfile fields : {} \n'.format(profile2.serialize()))