SMS Service (python)
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SMS Service (python)
List of all options:
Get list of all supported regions
Send SMS message
Send SMS message to a user
Get list of all supported regions
regions = api.sms_service.get_supported_regions()
Send SMS message
from trivoreid.models.sms import SMSMessage
msg = SMSMessage()
msg.to = '+358401234567'
msg.to_name = 'John Smith'
msg.to_region = 'FI'
msg.from_name = 'trivoreid'
msg.messageClass = 1
msg.text = 'Example message'
# send using JSON playload
response = api.sms_service.send(msg, json_playload=True)
# send using query parameters
response2 = api.sms_service.send(msg)
Send SMS message to a user
from trivoreid.models.sms import SMSMessage
msg = SMSMessage()
msg.to_name = 'John Smith'
msg.to_region = 'FI'
msg.from_name = 'trivoreid'
msg.messageClass = 1
msg.text = 'Example message'
response = api.sms_service.send_to_user(userId, msg)
Send SMS message to all group members
Sending SMS message to all primary (first) mobile numbers of users that belong to the defined groups.
message = SMSMessage({'text' : 'example text'})
api.sms_service.send_to_group_members(nsCode, message, 'groupName1', 'groupName2', 'groupName3')
SMS Service Models
, multiple selections available,