Authorisation Service (python)

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Authorisation Service (python)

If you need more information on this subject, please, see Authorisations.

List of all options:

  • Authorisations management

  • Authorisation types management

  • Authorisation sources management

  • Authorisation grant right management (OIDC only)

Authorisations management

from trivoreid.models.paycard import Authorisation from trivoreid.utils.criteria import Filter # Get list of all authorizations page = api.authorization_service.get_all() # Apply filter filt = Filter(Filter.EQUAL, 'revoked', True) page = api.paycard_service.get_all(filt) # Add new Authorisation auth = Authorisation() auth.subject.type = 'User' auth.object.type = 'User' authType = api.authorization_service.get_all_types().resources[0] auth.authType = authType.code # This method returns authorisation object with the generated ID auth = api.authorization_service.create(auth) authId = auth.id # Revoke Authorization api.authorization_service.revoke(authId) # Get one, Update and Delete auth = api.authorization_service.get(authId) auth.validTo = '2022-10-20T07:17:17.606Z' auth = api.authorization_service.update(auth) api.authorization_service.delete(authId)

Authorisation types management

from trivoreid.models.paycard import AuthorisationType from trivoreid.utils.criteria import Filter # Get list of all authorization types page = api.authorization_service.get_all_types() # Apply filter filt = Filter(Filter.EQUAL, 'code', 'examplecode') page = api.paycard_service.get_all_types(filt) # Add new Authorisation Type auth_type = AuthorisationType() auth_type.nsCode = 'nsCode' auth_type.code = 'exampleCode' # This method returns authorisation type object with the generated ID auth_type = api.authorization_service.create_type(auth_type) typeId = auth_type.id # Get one, Update and Delete auth_type = api.authorization_service.get_type(typeId) auth_type.description = 'Example' auth_type = api.authorization_service.update_type(auth_type) api.authorization_service.delete_type(typeId)

Authorisation sources management

from trivoreid.models.paycard import AuthorisationType from trivoreid.utils.criteria import Filter # Get list of all authorization sources page = api.authorization_service.get_all_sources() # Apply filter filt = Filter(Filter.EQUAL, 'code', 'examplecode') page = api.paycard_service.get_all_sources(filt) # Add new Authorisation Type auth_source = AuthorisationType() auth_source.nsCode = 'nsCode' auth_source.code = 'exampleCode' # This method returns authorisation type object with the generated ID auth_source = api.authorization_service.create_source(auth_source) sourceId = auth_source.id # Get one, Update and Delete auth_source = api.authorization_service.get_source(sourceId) auth_source.description = 'Example' auth_source = api.authorization_service.update_source(auth_source) api.authorization_service.delete_source(sourceId)

Authorization grant right management

Authorisation Service Models







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