Email Service (python)

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Email Service (python)

Wrapper for the '/email' APIs.

List of all options:

  • Send custom email

  • Send email to a user

Simple email message

from trivoreid.models.email import Email # send to one email email = Email() email.construct_email(to='example1@mail.com', from_email='example2@mail.com', subject='Subject', text='Emample text body') api.email_service.send(email) # send to multiple emails email.construct_email(to=['example1@trivore.com', 'example2@trivore.com'], from_email='example2@mail.com', subject='Subject', text='Emample text body')

Advanced options

from trivoreid.models.email import Email, EmailAttachments attachments = EmailAttachments() attachments.add_attachment(name='attachment.txt', data=data) attachments.add_attachment(name='attachment2.txt', data=data2) email = Email() email.construct_email(to=['example1@mail.com', 'example2@mail.com', 'example3@mail.com'], cc=['example1@mail.com', 'example2@mail.com', 'example3@mail.com'], bcc=['example1@mail.com', 'example2@mail.com', 'example3@mail.com'], from_email='example@mail.com', reply_to=['example1@mail.com', 'example2@mail.com', 'example3@mail.com'], subject='Example subject', html='Hello <b>there</b>', attachments=attachments) api.email_service.send(email)

Send email to a user

from trivoreid.models.email import Email email = Email() email.construct_email(from_email='example2@mail.com', subject='Subject', text='Emample text body') api.email_service.send_to_user(email, userId)

Send email to all group members

Sending email to all primary (first) email addresses of users that belong to the defined groups.

email = Email() email.text = 'Example text body.' email.subject = 'Example subject' email.from_email = 'example@trivore.com' api.email_service.send_to_group_members(nsCode, email, 'groupName1', 'groupName2', 'groupName3') ### send email as bcc api.email_service.send_to_group_members(nsCode, email, 'groupName4', 'groupName5', 'groupName6', bcc=True)

Email Service Models




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