Shared Documents or Files

Shared Documents or Files

Documents or any other files can be shared with the users in your organisation.

Managing Shared Files

Shared files are managed by organisation managers, who can upload new files, or modify or delete existing ones.

User rights

Organisation Managers

To have write access to shared files, a manager needs the "Manage shared files" right. Without this right, he or she is not able to add, modify, or delete shared files.

Setting management rights for managers is covered in Manager Accounts.


To have read access to the shared files, users must have the "Access shared files (read)" right. Without it, they will not be able to access the shared files directory on their client app.

Setting management rights for end users is covered in User Accounts (Device Owners).

File management

Shared files are managed by managers with required rights. The management interface can be accessed from the Organisation→Organisation view in the Shared files tab.

The management interface supports basic file handling operations and subdirectories. All changes are saved immediately.

Accessing Files on the Android Client App

Version 3.1.0 client app for Android supports read access to the shared files. In this version the files can be accessed by switching to the Synchronisation tab and clicking Browse files on server. The shared files are available in the shared folder assuming the user has the required rights enabled.

Accessing Files on Other Client Apps

This feature is not yet implemented on other client apps. If you need this feature, please send a feature request. Implementation is usually done in one month.