Master/Vendor Guide

Master/Vendor Guide

This Master/Vendor Guide is very short on purpose. This user class has only two subtle, yet important differences from the user class Organisation Manager, which are covered below.

The master/vendor administrator user class is for doing the following administrative tasks:

  • Manage organisations (create, edit, and remove); this is the primary "vendor" use case

  • Manage any organisation with exactly the same user interface as an organisation manager would; this is the primary "master" use case

The user class has two names used in different cases. Term "vendor" is used in license reselling context. Term "master" is used when a user has to be able to manage numerous organisations with a single login account. Technically both are the same.

Creating an organisation is easy if you use the defaults, which should be reasonable for most cases. Please see for the video below.

You only need to decide the organisation code ID, a shorter and longer version of name, possible feature limitations, and the number of licenses. You also need to set the password for the initial organisation manager, which account is automatically created. Most other tasks you can either do later or let the organisation manager do.

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