Setting up Self-Service Setup for Device Owners
The self-service setup allows device owners (end users) to register in the service and provision their devices without the need for contacting support staff. To enable it, it needs to be configured at the service level by a supervisor, at organisation level by an organisation manager, and finally by the device owner.
The self-service workflow goes as follows:
A customer is given the URL for self-service setup
The customer registers himself or herself in the service as a user
Gives an email address
Verifies the email address
Enters basic user information
The user selects a device type
The user is given instructions and a web link to provision the device
After the initial tasks, the user can register and provision additional devices.
Configuring the Self-Service Setup
Configuration for the self-service setup is done in Configuration→Platforms→Device setup.
You need to make the following settings:
Device self-service setup enabled
Enables self-service setup for the organisation.
Email requirement
Enter a regular expression that is used for determining which email addresses are accepted for self-service registration. Leaving the field empty accepts all email addresses.
Account template
Click the field to select a user account template. The template is used for creating user accounts when users register themselves in the service.
Device template: <platform>
For each platform, for which you want to enable the self-service setup, select a matching device template by clicking the field.
Click Save changes to save the changes.