My Data: Notes

My Data: Notes

Notes are a functionality that allows you to write important information down quickly.


Synchronising notes is only available on certain devices.

Creating a New Note

To create new note, go to Notes option from main window and then press  button. A new dialog box will appear, write your note and press Save & close. If you’d like to edit, remove or copy, your notes you can do it after selecting the note from the list. If you wish to import, export or share your notes you can do so by pressing ‘Tools’ and selecting the correct option.

Editing a Note

If you wish to edit a note, select note from the list. You can edit the selected item by pressing  and the information window will open which will allow you to edit the necessary fields. Press ‘Save & close’ to save changes.

Removing a Note

If you wish to remove any note, select the note from the list and then press    button. You will be asked for confirmation then click ‘Remove’ to delete the item from the list. If you want to cancel the action press ‘Cancel’