Manager Accounts

Manager Accounts

You can manage organisation's managers in the Accounts→Managers page.

Managers are your organisation's administrators of the service. Most organisations have at least few of them. All managers have access to all the same information, but access rights to modify objects can be configured for each manager. Therefore managers can be divided to manage different sectors in the organisation by using the control rights.

Notice that manager accounts can not have associated devices. Managers who own devices need to have a separate end user account.


The tool bar at the top of the view has buttons for managing the managers. Some of them require first selecting a manager from the list.

New Manager

New organisation manager accounts are created according to manager account templates, which are defined in Accounts→Templates, as described in Account Templates. There must exist at least one manager account template to create manager accounts.

To create a new manager:

  1. Either

    1. Click New or

    2. Open the context menu by clicking the right mouse button in the list and select New.

  2. The New Manager pop-up window opens.

  3. See the Manager Settings below for detailed description of the settings.

  4. Finally, click Save & close to save the new account.

Remember that when you create new manager account, you cannot assign more permissions than you have yourself. You must contact a manager with more permissions or a system supervisor to grant more rights when needed.

Edit Manager

To edit an already existing manager account:

  1. Select a manager account in the list and either:

    1. Click Edit or

    2. Open the context menu by clicking the right mouse button in the list and select Edit.

  2. The Edit Manager pop-up window opens.

  3. See the Manager Settings below for detailed description of the settings.

  4. Finally, click Save & close to save the account.

Remove Manager

To remove an organisation manager from the system:

  1. Select a manager account in the list and either:

    1. Click Remove or

    2. Open the context menu by clicking the right mouse button in the list and select Remove.

  2. You will be prompted to confirm the removal.


Deleted managers cannot be accessed any longer! All the settings will be lost, so think twice before deleting a manager from the database! If you need to access a manager after deletion, you must make a new manager.

It is generally safer to just deactivate a manager account.


Manager Settings

In the following, we go through each tab in the manager settings.

Once done with making the settings, click Save & close to save the changes, or Cancel to abort without saving.

General Tab

In the General tab, you need to make all the basic user settings for the manager account.

The General tab in manager management.

You can do the following settings:

Account status

Sets the account as either active or inactive. Inactive accounts are unable to log in to the system. This is an easy way to disable an account temporarily without actually removing it.

ID generation

Defines how the unique ID for the manager is generated or specified:

  • Name based will use the manager's first and last name to generate the ID,

  • Random will generate a random ID, and

  • Custom will let you to define the manager ID by yourself in the ID field below.

First name

Enter the manager's first name.

Last name

Enter the manager's last name.


Enter the manager's password. Click Show/Hide to toggle displaying the password on the screen.

Password confirmation

Enter the password again. This must match the password given in the previous field.

Phone number

Enter the manager's phone number. It is recommended to use international format, that is, with the + country code prefix.

Email address

Enter the manager's email address. It will act as a secondary form of contact information.

Description (optional)

Enter a short description about the manager. It should explain the manager's administrative role in a free-form way.

Valid from

Enter the date and time when the account becomes valid. The manager cannot log in before the time given here.

Valid to

Enter the date and time when the account expires. After the given time, the manager cannot log in before the valid-to date is moved to a later date.


This is a time stamp that shows when manager account was created.

Last changed

This is a time stamp that shows when manager account was modified.

Personal tab (optional)

In the Personal tab, you can give further contact information.

Personal tab in manager management.

None of the contact information in this tab is mandatory and can be left empty. However, specifying an organisational unit might help you organise accounts later.

You should make the following settings:

Organisational unit

This is the unit in which the manager works within the organisation. The units are defined in Organisation→Org. units settings, as described in Organisation Units.

Once you have selected a unit, you can click Copy address from OU to copy the address information from the selected organizational unit to the fields below.

Street address

Enter the manager's street address. This is generally the work address that you can copy from the organisation unit as described above.


Enter the manager's city or municipality.

P.O. Box

Enter the manager's P.O. Box.

Postal code

Enter the manager's postal code.


Enter the manager's state/province.


Select the manager's country.

Web UI tab

In the Web UI tab, you can define settings for using the administration portal.

If the modified account is currently logged in, the changes will take effect after the next login. This also applies to making changes to the current user.

Web UI tab in manager management

You can make the following settings:

Incorrect login threshold

Defines how many consecutive failed login attempts the user can make before system locks the account.

Incorrect login lockout time (minutes)

Defines the lockout time after the user has made too many consecutive failed login attempts. After it passes, the account will be automatically unlocked.

Total incorrect logins

Shows how many incorrect login attempts the manager has made.

Account login locked at

If the account is locked, the date and time when it was locked is displayed here.

You can manually unlock the account with the Unlock account button.


The language selection determines the language of the Web UI.

Time zone

Defines the time zone of the manager. Events are always


Defines the Web UI theme for the manager.

Name policy

Defines how the manager's first and last name are displayed in the UI.

Open after login

Defines which section will be opened when the manager logins to the portal.

The possible sections to open are:

  • Home,

  • Users, and

  • Inventory (Devices→Inventory).

Access rights & features tab

In the Access rights & features tab, you can define what configuration the manager is allowed to change.

Access rights & features tab in manager management.

The access settings are as follows:

Add user/resource account

Gives the manager the right to add new end users and resources.

Modify user/resource account

Gives the manager the right to modify the existing end users and resources.

Delete user/resource account

Gives the manager the right to delete existing end users and resources.

Manage user's sync settings

Gives the manager the right to change synchronisation settings for user accounts.

Add/delete device

Gives the manager the right to add and delete devices to/from the system.

Modify device

Gives the manager the right to modify already created devices.

Activate/deactivate device

Gives the manager the right to activate and deactivate devices.

Add/delete applications

Gives the manager the right to add or remove applications from the system.

Modify applications

Gives the manager the right to change application settings.

Upload hosted files

Gives the manager the right to upload new files to the server via application management.

Manage templates (full management)

Gives the manager the full rights to manage templates by adding, removing, or editing them.

Manage organization managers (full management)

Gives the manager the full rights to manage organisation managers by adding, removing, or editing them.


Gives the manager the right to use reports.

Device lock/unlock/wipe

Gives the manager the right to use advanced security management operations on devices.

Device activate current settings

Gives the manager the right to activate settings to device.

Install device application

Gives the manager the right to install new applications to devices.

Device management, other (other tasks than above)

Gives the manager the right to do other kind of device management tasks to device.

Manage MotD

Gives the manager the right to manage MotD:s.

Select all

Activate all rights.



Remember that when you create new manager account, you cannot assign more permissions than you have yourself. You must contact a manager with more permissions or a system supervisor to grant more rights when needed.

Extra tab

The Extra tab allows defining additional parameters that affect the Web UI of the portal. These fields are added automatically when the UI is customized, such as by changing the column orders for table, so that the UI will remember these modifications at the next login. The parameters are defined as key-value pairs.

Although these items may sometimes be entered manually, it is not advised to do so in most cases.

Extra tab in manager management.

Install Targets 

The Install targets tab allows defining install targets that can be used during device provisioning as additional SMS or Email targets. They are visible in the target drop-down window where applicable.

The install target settings are the same as described for the organisation in Install Targets.

In the General tab, you need to make all the basic user settings for the manager account.

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