Managing Applications

Managing Applications

Applications or "apps" are 3rd party software that can be installed in the mobile devices. Normally, you can manage apps in an app store such as Apple App Store or Google Play. Your organisation may, however, provide special apps for installing, or restrict installing only certain apps. There could be, for example, anti-virus software that should be installed on all devices in your organisation.

You can manage applications in the client app installed in the devices. In the self-service portal, you can manage them in the My devices view by selecting a device and clicking Install application. This opens the Application management window.


Install new application

To install an application to a device, select the device you want to install the application into and then click ‘Install application’. The application management window will be appeared (Figure 6.1 showing the application management window).

In order to install an application for your devices you have to choose the specific application by clicking on it and then the action buttons will be highlighted.


There are three different ways to install an application to a device.

  • The first option is installation by SMS. It is supported by most phones and should be mainly used only when you are either installing data packets that cannot be installed automatically, or when the normal installation does not work. 
    Upon pressing the ‘Send install SMS’ button the device will shortly receive an SMS message containing the download link for the file. The user must initiate the installation by clicking the link in the SMS.

  • The second option is the normal install. It is the most straightforward. You need to select the application to install and press the button ‘Install (normal)”. The device will connect to the service and download and install the application on itself.

  • The third option is the hidden install. It behaves like normal installation but the difference is that the application will not show up in the installed applications list of the device (not the portal).

Users can verify installation by browsing the phone's files though.

You can later reveal applications that have been installed by hidden installation by selecting the same application from the list and clicking ‘Reveal (hidden)’.



Application management page


Note: If nothing seems to happen upon pressing the install (normal) button, make sure that the device accepts all requests from the service.

Otherwise you need to manually start the connection to initialize the installation process.


Uninstall application


SMS installed applications required manual uninstallation, whereas you can uninstall applications installed by the first two options,

by selecting the application and pressing the uninstall button.