

The home view displays status information about your manager user account as well as about the organisation. It also has quick task buttons for some of the most common administrative tasks.

The parts of the view are covered in the subsections below:

Account Status

In the top section of the view, you can view a status summary of your user account and organisation.

Most of the fields should be self-explanatory, so they are not covered here.

Current login & Previous login

These show your login information for the current and previous login, respectively. You can list all login events for yourself or another organisation manager in Accounts→Managers, by right-clicking an account and selecting Log in the context menu.

Quick Tasks

The Quick tasks section has buttons for starting various routine administrative tasks.

Create account & device

The Create account & device button allows creating a new user (device owner) account and registering a device. It is a shortcut to the same quick task that you can launch in Accounts→Users, as well as in Devices→Inventory.

See New User and a Device for detailed description of this task.

Import accounts & devices

Importing accounts and devices is a common way to create user accounts and register devices in large organisations, where you can export the needed information from personnel or customer records.

The accounts and devices are imported from a CSV file or an Excel spreadsheet. The columns in the import files are subject to change, so they are not covered here. The example file that you can download should be self-explanatory.

  1. Click Import accounts & devices

  2. Click Example file (optional)

    1. Select either CSV or Excel

    2. Fill in parameters if necessary

    3. Click Download to download the example file

  3. Create the import file according to the example

  4. Select either:

    1. Accounts and devices or

    2. Only accounts.

  5. Upload the file containing the accounts and/or devices

Lock, unlock or wipe devices

This functionality allows quickly locking, unlocking, or wiping a device. You can also do that in Devices→Inventory (see Device Inventory), by selecting one or more devices and clicking Execute on selected devices (see Device Commands). Here you can only perform the operation on a single device.

  1. Click Lock, unlock or wipe devices

  2. Select the device. You can use the search box to search by ID or other parameter.

  3. Click Select to confirm the selection

  4. Verify the device and owner in the dialog that opens

  5. Select either Lock device, Unlock device, or Wipe device

  6. Click Execute operation to execute the selected operation

  7. You will be asked for confirmation.

    Select Yes to proceed or No to cancel.


The Messages section displays recent messages sent to the members of the organisation.

Messages are sent in Organisation→News, as described in News (Message of the Day).

System Monitor


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