

The Configuration→Services view provides configuration for connectivity with the EMM service through various service APIs. Most of them are device platform specific protocols to enable various EMM features, such as OMA DM/DS, Apple MDM, Exchange ActiveSync, and Microsoft EDM. The settings are sent to the devices, so that they know the addresses of the services to connect to, how often, and so on.

The services configuration is usually done system-wide by the supervisor, and organisations should have Use system-wide settings enabled.

You may want to change them at organisation level in some cases, such as to change connection intervals, certificates, etc.

The services are described below:


OMA Device Management is a device management protocol specified by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Device Management (DM) Working Group and the Data Synchronization (DS) Working Group.


OMA Data Synchronisation is a data synchronisation protocol specified by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Device Management (DM) Working Group and the Data Synchronization (DS) Working Group.


WSDM is the internal protocol used by the EMM client and service, mainly in Android devices.

Service URL

URL that the devices should use to connect to the service. It should be same as the URL for the REST API.

Default connection interval

How often a device should normally connect to the service.

Exchange ActiveSync

Exchange ActiveSync (commonly known as EAS) is a proprietary protocol from Microsoft. It is designed for synchronising email, contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes between a messaging server and mobile devices. The protocol also provides mobile device management and policy controls.

EAS is used in many Windows Phone 7 and 8, Blackberry 10+, Android, iOS 4+, Symbian^3, Meego 1.2 Harmattan, and many other platforms.

Apple MDM

The Apple Mobile Device Management protocol provides a way for system administrators to send device management commands to managed iOS, macOS, and Apple TV devices. Through the MDM service, it is possible to inspect, install, or remove profiles, remove passcodes, and wipe a managed device.

Service URL

URL that the devices should use to connect to the service.

APNS certificate

Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) is used for sending commands to Apple devices. Using it requires a certificate, which can be downloaded from the Apple Push Notification Portal.

See Creating an APNS Certificate for instructions for creating APNS certificates.

Enable scheduled notifications

Enables sending periodic push notifications to the device.

Notification interval

Select the interval for sending scheduled notifications.

Web UI

This is the admin portal for organisation managers, master/vendor admins, and the service supervisor, as well as the self-service portal for device owners (end users).


The REST API allows external services or applications to perform all actions in the EMM service that can be done through the Web UI.

Microsoft EDM

Microsoft offers mobile device enrollment and management


The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) can be used to send push notifications to devices.