Account Reports

Account Reports

 Account reports contain information about user accounts. You can generate them in Reports view in the Accounts tab.

Account specific reports are divided into three sections.


Accounts – general


Accounts - general view.

Accounts general -section contains general information about all accounts in the organization.

It can be used for example in situations where organization manager wants to print out

all account statuses or simply just to export all available accounts to external file.


Table can be sorted like every other table in the system by clicking the table topics.

It's also possible to find only accounts with given keyword by using the ”contains” -search.

Notice that there can be multiple search criterias by using the plus-sign (+).

Search criterias might be cancelled one by one by using the minus-sign (-).


Section contains also Print button for direct printing. Operation will print all currently listed accounts from the table.


Export button opens new dialog which will ask for further details about how to export accounts, and in what kind of format.

It is similar to basic export-function in the accounts section and will work excatly the same way.


Undo changes button will reset the table in default view, if table column order has been changed.


Refresh button will refresh list contents.

So if there has been changes after the dialog have been opened, it will refresh current statuses of the table contents.


It is possible to customize the table view by using the downarrow-signed button in the east side of the table-topics.

This way it is possible to disable/enable some columns in the table, and make it more compact or informative whatever you wish.

Accounts – Email


Accounts - Email view


Accounts email -section works almost the same way than Accounts general section. It lists email addresses that users have listed in the account profile.

This reporting might be useful when trying to sort people by email provider, or something else related to email accounts.


Actions and searching is similar to AccountsGeneral section, except they handle emails.

Refer section AccountsGeneral for more precise description for each action.


Sent SMSs

Accounts section contains also feature called Sent SMSs.

This feature can be used to track how many SMS-messages

has been sent within the organsation.


  Time range selector in sent SMS


After feature is called, a new dialog pops up. It contains range selection for the SMS-messages.

You can define to list all messages within last three months, select a year, or select by month.

For example you can view all SMS-messages that have been sent from last month if you wish.

After selection has been made, click the Report button.

It will open new dialog which is similar to normal report dialog.


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