

Google Play applications for work are managed through an "enterprise" account, which is associated with a Gmail account. Typically you create just one, but you can have multiple such "enterprises" under an organisation. You can create one enterprise per one Gmail account.


You must create an enterprise and configure it for the devices (or more typically device templates) before provisioning the devices!

Once an enterprise is configured here, managed Google Play must be enabled in device settings or template in Other→Managed Google Play policy, as described in Setting Up Managed Google Play.

Google Play enterprises are managed in the Google Play→Enterprises view.

The functionalities in the view are as follows:

Creating a New Enterprise

  1. Click Create a new enterprise

  2. Redirection notice window opens

    Click Create to proceed

  3. Google Play window opens.

  4. Select the Google Play account to use (your current personal account is suggested)

  5. Fill in the organisation details.

    The Organisation name is the only detail to fill in.

  6. Check I have read and agree to the managed Google Play agreement once you have done so

  7. Click Confim

  8. Setu is completed and your are prompted to return to the EMM service portal

    Click Complete registration.

  9. You should now be registered back to the EMM service portal UI

  10. The new enterprise should now be shown in the Enterprises view:

Unenrolling an Enterprise

You can unenroll an enterprise from the EMM service as follows:

  1. Select the enterprise

  2. Click Unenroll selected enterprise

  3. You will be prompted to confirm the removal

    Please review that you really want to remove the enterprise.

  4. Click Unenroll to unenroll the enterprise

The Gmail user account is still bound to the enterprise. You can re-enroll the organisation as long as the account is bound.

To remove the enterprise from your account, go to Google Play to do so. Once removed, you can no longer re-enroll the enterprise.


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