Store Layouts
You can design and create Google Play store layouts for device owners who use Google Play. Apps are organised into store pages with links for navigating between them. Each page can have a number of clusters of apps. See Create Custom Store Layouts in Android EMM developer's documentation for a more thorough introduction into the functionality.
The store layouts are managed in Google Play→Store layouts (the menu is only visible if Android EMM is enabled for the organisation). If you have registered multiple Google Play "enterprises", you can select the one to view in the Enterprise selection.
The view has the following functionalities:
Managing Store Pages
Adding a New Page
To add a new store page, click Add in the Pages section. This immediately creates a new page with name "New page". You should rename it.
Permissions required
Editing store layouts is disabled if you do not have appropriate permissions. You must have the Modify applications permissions.
Deleting a Page
To delete a page, select it in the list and click Delete.
Use as Store Layout
Sets the currently selected page as the start page in the store.
Managing a Page
Once you select a page in the Pages list, its layout is shown on the right. A store page will have links to other pages in the top of the page. Under that are one or more product clusters.
Renaming a Page
To rename a page, which you need to do right away after creating one:
Select the page in the Pages list
Click Rename page
The Edit page window opens
Edit the page name
Click the name in the Text column to edit it
Select the Locale (language and country variant)
Click Add name to add translations in different languages
Finally, click Apply to save the changes and exit, or Close to exit without saving
Adding Links
To add a link to a different page:
Click Add new link
Select the target page for the link
Click Add link to create the link and exit, or Cancel to exit without creating it
To delete a link, simply click it and it is immediately deleted.
Managing Product Clusters
Product clusters are sections within a page to contain products (apps). You should add all apps needed by users here. If Google Play is restricted to show only approved apps, the users cannot install any apps that are not a) approved and b) added to the store layout.