The Google Play→Products view allows browsing the approved Google Play products. For actually managing the products, you will be redirected to Google Play. You can always navigate to to manage the apps directly in Google Play.
The view shows products for the enterprise selected in the Enterprise selection.
Product List
In the Approved products list, you can select a product to view more details about it and get buttons to manage the product.
The actions are as follows:
Managed Google Play details
Opens (in a new tab) the managed Google Play page for the product, using your currently active account.
Google Play details
Opens (in a new tab) the regular Google Play page for the product, using your currently active account.
Unapproves the app in the managed Google Play store, after which the users can no longer install it. This is the same action that you can do in the Google Play store. You will be asked to confirm the unapproval.
Click Unapprove to mark the app as unapproved.
To reapprove a previously unapproved app, you need to approve it in the managed Google Play store.