Organisation Units
Organisation units can be used for organising user accounts, so that you can filter users by their unit or by copy contact address information from the unit. What the units are entirely depends on the organisation, but generally you have functional units such as management, technical support, etc. As users can belong to multiple units, you can define one or more functional units for them and have separate units for office locations.
You can set the organisation unit for a user or in a user template for creating new users. This makes it practical to have user for different organisation units, with different user defaults, such as privileges.
Notice that organisation units are separate from device groups, which allow defining similar overlapping groups, but applied to devices, as described in Device Groups. Hence if you create user templates for different organisation units, you could have corresponding device groups and templates to create devices with predefined settings for the particular organisation units or their combinations.
Organisation units are defined in the Organisation→Org. units view:
In this article, we go through the following topics:
Using Organisation Units
In the following, we go through the different cases for using organisation units. See the corresponding view documentation for further information.
Setting Organisation Units
You can set the organisation unit for user (device owner), manager, and resource accounts. For example, in user settings (or account template), you could select both a functional unit and an office location for a user (Ctrl+click to select multiple units) :
Applying organisation units is described in User Editor, Manager Accounts, and Resource Accounts. Account templates are covered in Account Templates.
Copying Address Information
Selecting a (single) organisation enables the Copy address from OU button, clicking which copies the contact information from the organisation unit.
Filtering by Organisation Unit
You can filter the user accounts by organisation unit in any of the account views (users, managers, and resources).
Basic Operations
Creating a New Organisation Unit
To create a new organisation unit, click New in the toolbar
Fill in the fields in the organisation editor
At least fill in the Display name. All other fields are optional.Click Save & close to save the settings and exit the editor or Cancel to exit without saving.
Editing an Organisation Unit
To edit an already existing organisation unit:
Select a unit in the list and click Edit in the toolbar
The Organisational Unit pop-up window opens. Edit it as described above.
Finally, click either Save & close to save the settings and exit, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Removing an Organisation Unit
To remove an organisation unit from the system:
Select the unit in the list and click Remove
You will be prompted to confirm the removal.
Click Remove to remove the unit and Cancel to exit without removing it
Removing a unit removes all users and templates from the unit. You cannot undo such a removal.
Filtering the Unit List
You can enter a text filter to search for a unit or units.