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To quickly setup a new Organisation Manager for MDM, go to Accounts menu on the main page and click on Managers as displayed below.
Click on the New Button (Shown Above), a New Manager window will pop-up.
General Settings Tab
Account Status: Click the Check Box to define account Active or leave Blank to define inactive. Inactive accounts are unable to log in to system.
ID generation: Select either of Random, Name Based or Custom from the drop down list to define how the system specifies the Unique ID for the manager. The Name based will use manager name to generate the ID, the Random will generate random ID and the Custom allow you to define the manager ID by yourself.
First name: Enter to define a manager's First name.
Last name: Enter to define a manager's Last name.
Password: Enter to define a desirable Password for the Manager's. Click the Show/Hide button to display or not display password on the screen.
Password Confirmation: Enter password again to confirm. This must match with the same password defined above. Click the Show/Hide button to display or not display password on the screen.
Phone Number: Enter Manager's Phone Number. It is recommended to use international format, i.e. with the (+ country code)prefix.
Email address: Enter Manager's Email Address. This is used as secondary form of contact information.
Description: Enter manager's description.
Valid From: Enter a Date/Time for when the New Managers Account becomes valid. Managers cannot login into the account prior to the beginning of the validation date period (Valid From) into the account.
Valid To: Enter a Date/Time for when the New Managers Account expires. Managers cannot login into the account after the expiration or end of the defined (Valid To) period, Until account status is changed back to active.
Created: A Timestamp that indicates when new manager's account was created.
Last changed: A Timestamp that indicates when manager account was modified.
Personal Settings Tab
Define Personal settings for the New Manager's account by defining the following.
Organizational unit: The Organizational Unit of the New Manager. You can copy address from selected organizational unit by clicking the CopyaddressfromOUbutton(if one has already been created).
Street address: Enter new Manager's street address.
City/Municipality: Enter new Manager's city or municipality.
P.O. Box: Enter New Manager's P.O. Box.
Postal code: Enter New Manager's postal code.
State/Province: Enter New Manager's state/province.
Country: Select from the drop-down list the manager's Country or Nationality.
Note: None of the above Personal settings information is mandatory. They can be left empty. However, specifying an Organizational Unit properties might help you organize accounts later.
Web User Interface (Web UI)
Define Web User Interface (WebUI) settings for the New Manager's account by defining the following.
Incorrect Login Threshold: Defines numbers of failed consecutive login attempts permitted by a user to execute before system locks the account.
Incorrect Login Lockout Time (minutes): Defines the Lockout Time duration for the account, if the above Incorrect Login Threshold is violated. After many failed consecutive login attempts.
Total Incorrect Logins: Shows (in counts) how many Incorrect Login attempts a manager has made.
Account Login Locked At: Indicates if an account is locked by displaying the lockout time. To unlock accounts manually, click the Unlock Accountbutton, this will release account from lock-status.
Language: Determines the Web UI language, Times and other locale dependent data display policies.
Time zone: Defines the Local Time-Zone of the manager's geographical location.
Name Policy: Define a Name Format for the Manager's Name (any desirable format is okay).
Open After Login: Defines what section to open when manager login into system. Current selections are Home,Users&Inventory.
Note: If modified account is currently logged in, the changes will take place after next login. This also includes the current user(i.e you).
Access Rights & Features
Define Access Rights & Features settings for the New Manager's account by defining the following.
Add User/Resource Account: Grants manager right to add new end users and resources, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Modify User/Resource Account: Grants manager right to modify existing end users and resources, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Delete User/Resource Account: Grants manager right to delete existing end users and resources, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage User's Sync Settings: Grants manager right to change synchronization settings to user accounts, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Add/Delete Device: Grants manager right to add and delete devices to/from the system, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Modify Device: Grants manager right to modify already created devices, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Activate/Deactivate Device: Grants manager right to activate and deactivate devices, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Add/Delete Applications: Grants manager right to add or remove applications from the system, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Modify Applications: Grants manager right to change application settings, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Upload Hosted Files: Grants manager right to upload new files to server via application management, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage Templates (full management): Grants manager right to manage templates by adding, removing or editing, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage Organization Managers (full management): Grants manager right to manage organization managers by adding, removing or editing, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Reports: Grants manager right to use reports, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Device Lock/Unlock/Wipe: Grants manager right to use advanced security management operations on devices, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Device Activate Current Settings: Grants manager right to activate settings to device, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Install Device Application: Grants manager right to install new applications to devices, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Device Management, other (other tasks than above): Grants manager right to do other kind of device management tasks to device, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage MotD: Grants manager right to manage MotD:s, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage Platform Configuration:Grants manager right to manage platform configuration, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage Service Configuration:Grants manager right to manage service configuration, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage Communication Configuration:Grants manager right to manage communication configuration, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage LDAP Configuration:Grants manager right to manage LDAP configuration, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage PKI System:Grants manager right to manage PKI system, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Manage Volume Purchasing Program:Grants manager right to manage volume purchasing, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Open Direct WSDM Session:Grants manager right to open direct WSDM, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
REST API Access: Compliant Devices Listing:Grants manager access to REST API(compliant devices listing), mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
REST API Access: Read Account DM+DS Secrets:Grants manager access to REST API(read account DM+DS secrets), mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Select All: Activate all rights, mark/check to allow, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Define Features settings for the New Manager's account by defining the following.
Force Installer User Interface: Mark/check to to enforce installer user interface for manager's account, uncheck/unmark to disallow.
Note: Remember that if you create new manager account, you cannot assign any rights that you don't have yourself. You must contact to system supervisor to grant more rights when needed.
Warning: Deleted managers cannot be accessed any longer! If you need to access this manager after deletion, you must make a new manager. All your previous settings will be lost, please give careful and thoguthful considerations before deleting a manager from the database!
The Extra tab contains manager specific information about some web UI details. Although these items may be sometimes entered manually, it is however not advised to do so in most cases. These fields will automatically be added when the user interface (UI) is customized by (e.g. changing the column orders for table), the UI will remember these modifications on the next login.
Install Targets
The installed targets can be used during device provisioning as additional SMS or Email targets, they are visible in the target drop-down window where applicable.
When through with creating and defining the New Manager Organizational Account, Click on the Save & Close button to save changes or Cancel button to abort action and exit the New Manager window.