Setup Samsung KNOX for Organisation 0 (OBSOLETE)
This guide shows the basic steps of submitting a KNOX Premium license key and using it with device profiles.
Step-by-step guide
Acquire a KNOX Premium license key with available activations.
Log in as a manager or a vendor to your organisation. Open the Organisation view and go to the KNOX tab.
Press Add in the Licenses section and enter the details of your license. You can enter a descriptive name for the license key. You can enter the quantity of licenses and the date when the license expires. The quantity value may be used in the future to warn when a licenses activation are at this limit. The expiration value is used to dismiss licenses that have been expired already when selecting licenses.
Optionally, create a new Configuration type in the same view. The Configuration type controls some of the features of a KNOX container when it is being created in the device. Hold your mouse cursor over the fields in the editor for additional information.
Edit a new or existing device or a device template with "Android (Samsung)" platform. Open the KNOX license policy view (click Show unsupported if it is not visible in an existing device). Enable the policy and either select your license or enable Use any license.
Click the KNOX containers button. Add a new container with the Add button, the edit it with the Edit button. Note that if you want to delete a KNOX container from the device, you must remove it in this view.
Make wanted changes to the container editor's different sections. You should at least change the container name and select your Configuration type if you created one previously. Most of the subsections in this editor are similar to the ones in the main Device editor.
Make sure that a client app that supports KNOX container features is installed to the device.
If the device profile is new, set it up normally with an installation code. During the activation procedure the user will be asked to accept Samsung's license policy twice (first for ELM, then for KLM).
If the device is already set up, add the Activate all device settings task to the device's task queue so the client app will find and apply the changed policies. The user will be asked to accept Samsung's license policies.
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