Application Settings

Application Settings

The application settings editor is used for editing the settings for a new or existing application, as described in Applications. Typically, most of the settings are automatically acquired from the metadata in the application package, which can be hosted locally, in a remote service, or in an application store.

The editor has a number of tab views, which are described in the following.

Basic Application Settings (Application)


Free-form name of the application.


Version of the application.


Date of the application.

Application ID

Unique identifier for the application. The format of the application ID depends on the platform. In Android and iOS, it is a reverse domain name (FQDN) followed by an application label.


Name of the entity that developed the software.


Name of the entity that published the software.

Application program hosting

Click the Application program hosting button to select an application package hosted in the service. You can use the window to upload packages.

To use a particular package, select it and click Select. The application settings are automatically filled from the package metadata.

The controls in the window are as follows:

Upload new file

Click the button to upload an application package to be hosted in the service.


Select a package and click Delete to delete it.

Notice that if the package is used in any application configurations, it will no longer be hosted as expected and any installation attempts will result in failure!

New directory

You can create subfolders for hosting files. The subfolder will be part of the download path.


Go up in the folder hierarchy. You can also click ".." to go up.

Show hidden files

Shows hidden files, that is, ones with file names that begin with a dot (.).

You can click on an application package link to download it.


While software packages can be uploaded to the service filesystem, they can also be directly downloaded from an external URL. Use this field to specify the download path for the application. It can be an application store link, such as to Google Play or Apple App Store.


Current status of the application: Active (checked) or inactive. An inactive application cannot be used in application installations.


Whether the application should be recommended to be installed by users.

Valid from

Start date and time of application validity.

Valid to

End date and time of application validity. After the time has passed, the application will be inactive and not possible to install any more.


Application package class: an actual application, supplementary data, a PDF document, or an electronic book. The classes are separate for different platforms.


Select any combination of the following options:

Allowed to install by end users

The application is installable by device owners.

Can be installed programmatically (OMA DM / WSDM)

The application is installable through OMA Device Management or through WSDM.

Can be uninstalled programmatically (OMA DM / WSDM)

The application can be uninstalled through OMA Device Management.

Can be hidden and revealed (OMA DM / WSDM)

The application can be installed as hidden application. Hidden applications are not visible in the device until they are revealed. Hidden applications are also in inactive state, which means that they are not functioning before they are revealed.


Defines platforms and their versions compatible with the application. Applications can only be installed in compatible devices. You should always ensure application compatibility with each platform before you add them to the compatibility list. Using software with incompatible devices can cause redundant data stream.

Click Edit compatibility to open the compatibility selection list.

Select platform version or versions (Ctrl+click for multiple selection) and then >> to select them as compatible in the list on the right, or << to deselect incompatible software. Finally, click Apply.


Optional description for the application.


The tab allows defining an icon, a logo, and a screenshot of the application.

The view should be self-explanatory.


In this tab, you can configure a file that should be installed on the devices along with the application. The feature is currently only supported for Android.

Copy an attachment file during installation

Enable copying an attachment file.

File save location on device (full path including file name)

The full path and name of the file. The allowed paths depend on the platform. If the attachment is a ZIP file, the path is to the folder where it is to be extracted.

Upload new attachment

Click to upload the attachment file.

Attachment is a ZIP file, contents should be extracted on device

The attachment is a ZIP file containing contents that should be extracted to the path defined above.

Device groups

Select the device groups in which the application can be installed. See Device Groups for how to configure device groups for an organisation and Device Editor for how to define groups for a device or device template.