Installation codes
Installation code is used during device provisioning to allow new devices to connect to the service. Normally, when creating devices, an installation code is automatically generated and typically either sent to the device owner in an SMS message or email.
There are some use cases, where you can manually create an installation code, which can then be used by the users:
Give a group of device owners a shared self-service installation code, which they can use to register themselves as users to the service, as well as register their device(s). (Create a new account and a device action)
Assign a self-service installation code to an existing user account. The user account can be used for registering multiple devices. This is often used in organisations where some devices are not assigned personally, but they are nevertheless registered for a single user account. (Create a new device action)
Give a custom installation code to a single device. While this is rare, you may need such an exception, such as if you want to allow longer expiration time than the default for a device. (Use existing device action)
These use cases are solved with the three actions that you can define for installation codes, as described in Installation Code Editor.
The view has the following functions:
Installation Code List
The columns are as follows:
A descriptive name for the installation code.
Installation Code
Shows the installation code. Clicking it opens a pop-up window with the QR code, which you can use in the client app of a device to start installation.
Click on × to close the pop-up.
When will the code expire.
Times used
How many times has the code been used. See the expiration settings in the Installation Code Editor.
Last time used
Date and time when the code was used for the last time.
Username prefix
Prefix for user account IDs when using the code. Shown for installation codes with Create a new account and device action.
User account ID for creating new devices. Shown for installation codes with Create a new device action.
ID of the device to be installed. Shown for installation codes with Use existing device action.
Creating a New Installation Code
You can create a new installation code as follows:
To create a new installation code, click Add in the toolbar
Enter the values in the window that opens. See Installation Code Editor for details.
Finally, either click Save to save the new installation code or Cancel to abort without saving
Editing an Installation Code
You can edit the configuration for a previously added installation code.
To edit an already existing installation code:
Select the installation code in the list and click Edit in the toolbar
Edit the values in the window that opens. See Installation Code Editor for details.
Finally, either click Save to save the installation code or Cancel to abort without saving
Removing an Installation Code
To remove an installation code from the system:
Select the installation code in the list and click Delete
You will be prompted to confirm the removal
Click Remove to remove the code or Cancel to exit without removing it